an other killchain

  can feel the powder burning
ignited by vengenace
zero is confirmed
sight are clear
cannons in the right position
doesnt matter the blood , the sweat, or the tears
we ‘ve got to keep fireing
crack open the night with fire and steel
waching planes fall like comets to the ground
fireing relentless, like a machine of thunder
make me want more and more
spitting metal at  6000 rounds per minute  in every direction 
al pain is gone , with every casket of spent ammo falling to the ground, one peace
of sanity is turn to smoke …black smoke
.in the end is only for the bloodlust , even if u cant see it the
enormus clouds of smoke start to cover the nightsky
 full moon let me get sharper
 no resting of the trigger finger until the last bullet have crossed the night
..until the last enemy is going down in flames or until I die
the only thing i know for shure is: when i die i wont know
there is nothing that matters to me any more
with clenched teeth i just wach them split their skull into the wall of bullets…
black grained death
agony  captured in the cannon soul 
time to die …time to kiss your life goodbye

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